Cyber Audit Platform - Coming Soon!


The Cyber Audit Platform, powered by CyberWA, allows an organization to perform a rapid assessment of their overall cybersecurity capabilities and preparedness. This assessment is available to U.S. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) government entities.

The assessment enables the organization to focus on key areas that will improve their cybersecurity posture and aids in the identification and prioritization of risks that could be exploited in a successful cyber attack.

The Cyber Audit Platform utilizes a proprietary methodology for assessing an organization’s susceptibility of being compromised, based on their cyber competencies. The Cyber Audit Platform is divided into eleven core focus areas:


What you'll learn:

  • Cyber Maturity
  • Computing Devices
  • Smart City
  • Smart Devices
  • Network Infrastructure
  • Authentication & Access
  • Communications
  • Digital Footprint
  • Financial
  • Monitoring and Response, & Threats and Compromises

Fill out the form to receive more information about how the Cyber Audit Platform can help your organization improve its security posture.


Sign Up
Fill out the form to receive more information about how the Cyber Audit Platform can help your organization improve its security posture.

Is your organization a U.S. State, Local, Tribal, or Territorial (SLTT) or other non-federal U.S. government institution (including public education and critical infrastructure)?

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If you experience any issues during registration, please contact us at